[Review] SendinBlue - Top Best Email and SMS Marketing Software 2020

[Review] SendinBlue - Top Best Email and SMS Marketing Software 2020

Free Email Marketing Features:-

  • Send 300 Email/Day: Completly Free
  • Upload Unlimited Contacts - Free

[Review] SendinBlue - Top Best Email and SMS Marketing Software 2020

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is one of the core marketing strategies for the marketing of products or services. In Email Marketing, we send our offers or promotions directly to the Email Inbox of the clients or users.

Note:- Sending of Emails without taking consent from the user comes under the Spamming. That's why you should take consent from users to get promotional emails in their Email Inbox.

How Email Marketing works - Diagram: TOPINENGLISH.COM

Benefits of Email Marketing

  • Direct Reach to the Customer or Buyer.
  • Lowest Marketing Cost.
  • Easy Automation can be applied.
  • Real-Time Interaction does not require, Client can see offers or promotions at a suitable time.
  • Easy Method to make a Recall of your Brand in the mind of Client or Buyer when they see your Email.
  • The client or Buyer can also communicate with us and send their feedback through the same email also.
  • Retargeting of the same buyer or customer is quite easy for another Offer or Promotion. 

How to do Email Marketing?

This is the Good question that How we can do Email Marketing.
Before starting We need 02 things ready:-
  • Email Address of Customer 
  • Offer and Promotion related Content {Text + Images/Banners}

How to Collect Email Addresses of Customer?

If you are running a website or blog then you can place a subscription form through Email Address. When readers subscribe to your blog or website, you will get their email address.
Another Method which is not recommended
you can collect emails from different websites related to your niche by using Email Extractor Tools. But it is risky because you are not sure that these Emails are real or Spam Traps. It may be possible that those Emails are currently not in use.

Why sending of Email to unknown contact is risky?

Case 1 -
Suppose you send an email that you have collected from the Internet or any Website and it fails due to incorrect address. then you will get a "BOUNCE". if you get more than "10% of BOUNCES" you will be marked as a spammer and all of your future Emails will land in the Spam Folders.

Case 2 -
There are many companies that provide Spam Email protection and they willing to distribute some email addresses to Random websites for implanting Spam Traps. This spam traps emails look the same as the normal email addresses. but when you try to target these emails as customers or buyers and send them emails. you will be marked as Spammer. These Spam Traps may be very dangerous for the reputation of your Domain Health.

So Create your own Email list and always clean your Email list using the following methods
  • Email Validation Softwares
  • Email Validation Services
Now you have created an Email list and Clean these Email lists from unnecessary BOUNCES and Spam Traps. Let's move on to the Email Marketing Campaign.

There are two ways for Sending Email to your Customers or Buyers:-
  1. Using your own Hosting Server
  2. Using Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing Using my own Hosting Server

if you are running a website on Shared or Cloud Platform. then you will get some limited Email sending rights through Hosting Server inbuilt SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Service.
The Number of Emails per Hour sending limit totally depends on Hosting Provides.
For Example: BlueHost - 50 Emails/Hour, Hostinger - 200 Emails/Hour
There may be a limit for per day also, which is approximately be 1000 Emails/Day

You can also set up your own Email Marketing Server using POSTAL and Mautic (PHP Based)
Minimum VPS recommended: 02CPU, 04 GB RAM (for Email Marketing)

Benefits of Self Hosted Email Servers

  • Cost-Effective
  • Fully Customizable

Problems with Self Hosted Email Servers

  • You need more Technical knowledge to Handle Servers.
  • Security of the Server Is the Main Concern.

Email Marketing Using Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing Services provides a complete kit solution for Email Marketing.
  • Bulk Sending Emails.
  • Scheduling Emails.
  • Designing Email News-Letters with already prepared Thousands of Email Templates.
  • Easy Automation of Sending Emails one after another.
  • Complete Reporting of Delivery of Emails, Bounces, Customer Reading Score, etc.
Which makes you capable to put your complete efforts and concentration on Product and Service Marketing.

No technical knowledge required. Just subscribe and login to Email Marketing Service and start Promoting your Offers and Earn Money.

There are Several Email Marketing Services on the Market and they have different prices and services as per the customer requirement they have many "Free or Paid Plans".

For Example:-
  • SendinBlue
  • Convertkit

Today we are talking about SendinBlue - Top Best Email and SMS Marketing Software 2020

Why we are reviewing SendinBlue?

You can subscribe to SendinBlue without giving any Credit card details and Send up to 300 Email per Day and upload unlimited Email contacts completely FREE.

So there is "No Cost" to start your Email Marketing Journey.

Step#1 - Create your Free Account on 📨 SendinBlue{alertSuccess}

Setp#2 - Upload Email Contacts

Step#3 - Make your First Email for Sending to your Customer.

Step#4 - You will get an Email from SendinBlue to Confirm the source of uploaded email contacts and Marketing Strategy. Simply reply to your Website details and your upcoming Marketing scenario for which you are doing Email Marketing like - Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping, Regular Customer Retargetting, Abadan Cart Recovery, etc.

Step#5 - Enjoy Free 📧 Email Marketing 💗

[Review] SendinBlue - Top Best Email and SMS Marketing Software 2020

Topic Covered

  • What is Email Marketing?
  • Benefits of Email Marketing
  • How to do Email Marketing?
  • How to Collect Email Addresses of Customer?
  • Why sending of Email to unknown contact is risky?
  • Email Marketing Using my own Hosting Server
  • Email Marketing Using Email Marketing Services
  • Free Email Marketing{codeBox}

[Review] SendinBlue - Top Best Email and SMS Marketing Software 2020


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